Source code for mmappickle.dict

import os
import io
import pickle
import struct
import warnings
import weakref

from .utils import *

[docs]class _header: """The file header is at the beginning of the file. It consists in the following pickle ops: :: PROTO 4 (pickle version 4 header) FRAME <length> BININT <_file_version_number:32> POP (version of the pickle dict, 1) BININT <_file_commit_number:32> POP (commit id of the pickle dict, incremented every time something changes) <additional data depending on the _file_version_number> (none, for version 1) MARK (start of the dictionnary) """ _file_version_number = 1 _frame_length = 13 _commit_number_position = 18
[docs] def __init__(self, mmapdict, _real_header_starts_at=0): """ :param mmapdict: mmapdict object containing the data :param _real_header_starts_at: Offset of the header (normally not used) """ self._mmapdict = weakref.ref(mmapdict) self._real_header_starts_at = _real_header_starts_at # Check if we have a valid header if not self.exists: self.write_initial()
@property def _file(self): return self._mmapdict()._file @property @save_file_position def exists(self): """ :returns: True if file contains something """, io.SEEK_SET) newvalue = if len(newvalue) == 0: return False return True
[docs] @require_writable @save_file_position def write_initial(self): """Write the initial header to the file""" data = pickle.BININT + struct.pack('<i', self._file_version_number) + pickle.POP + \ pickle.BININT + struct.pack('<i', 0) + pickle.POP + \ pickle.MARK header = pickle.PROTO + struct.pack('<B', 4) + pickle.FRAME + struct.pack('<Q', len(data)) + data, io.SEEK_SET) self._file.write(header)
[docs] @save_file_position def is_valid(self): """:returns: True if file has a valid mmapdict pickle header, False otherwise.""", io.SEEK_SET) if != pickle.PROTO: warnings.warn("File is not a pickle file") return False if != bytes([4]): warnings.warn("File is not a pickle file of version 4") return False if != pickle.FRAME: warnings.warn("Pickle doesn't start with a FRAME") return False frame_length = if len(frame_length) != 8: warnings.warn("Unable to read FRAME length") return False frame_length = struct.unpack('<Q', frame_length)[0] if frame_length != self._frame_length: warnings.warn("First FRAME lenght {} is not of correct length (should be {})".format(frame_length, self._frame_length)) return False frame_contents = if len(frame_contents) != frame_length: warnings.warn("Could not read the first FRAME contents") return False if frame_contents[0] != pickle.BININT[0] or frame_contents[5] != pickle.POP[0]: warnings.warn("FRAME doesn't containt BININT <version> POP") return False file_version_number_read = struct.unpack('<i', frame_contents[1:5])[0] if file_version_number_read != self._file_version_number: warnings.warn("File has the wrong version number {} (should be {})".format(file_version_number_read, self._file_version_number)) return False if frame_contents[6] != pickle.BININT[0] or frame_contents[11] != pickle.POP[0]: warnings.warn("FRAME doesn't containt BININT <commit_number> POP") return False if frame_contents[-1] != pickle.MARK[0]: warnings.warn("FRAME doesn't end with a MARK") return False return True
@property @save_file_position def commit_number(self): """Commit number (revision) in the file""" + self._commit_number_position, io.SEEK_SET) return struct.unpack('<i',[0] @commit_number.setter @require_writable @save_file_position def commit_number(self, newvalue): if type(newvalue) != int: raise TypeError('commit_number should be an int') + self._commit_number_position, io.SEEK_SET) self._file.write(struct.pack('<i', newvalue))
[docs] def __len__(self): """:returns: the total length of the header.""" # Pickle header, FRAME + frame_length + frame data return self._real_header_starts_at + 2 + 9 + self._frame_length
[docs]class _terminator: """Terminator is the suffix at the end of the mmapdict file. It consists is the following pickle ops: :: FRAME 2 DICT (make the dictionnary) STOP (end of the file) """ _data = pickle.FRAME + struct.pack('<Q', 2) + pickle.DICT + pickle.STOP
[docs] def __init__(self, mmapdict): """ :param mmapdict: mmapdict object containing the data """ self._mmapdict = weakref.ref(mmapdict) # Check if we have a valid header if not self.exists and self._mmapdict()._header.is_valid(): self.write()
[docs] def __len__(self): """:returns: the length of the terminator""" return len(self._data)
@property def _file(self): return self._mmapdict()._file @property @save_file_position def exists(self): """:returns: True if the file ends with the terminator, False otherwise""", io.SEEK_END) if self._file.tell() < len(self._data): return False, io.SEEK_END) newvalue = return newvalue == self._data
[docs] @require_writable @save_file_position def write(self): """Write the terminator at the end of the file, if it doesn't exist""" # Do not write two terminators if self.exists: return, io.SEEK_END) self._file.write(self._data)
[docs]class _kvdata: """kvdata is the structure holding a key-value data entry. The trick is that it should be either two values, key and value, or nothing, if the value is deleted. To do this, we put the key and the value on the stack. Then we either push a NEWTRUE+POP (which results in a NO-OP), or we push a POP+POP (which removes both the key and the value). Since NEWTRUE and POP both have length 1, it is easy to make the substitution. Another trick is to cache the maximum value of the memoization index (for GET and PUT), to ensure that we have no duplicates. The _kvdata structure has the following pickle ops: :: FRAME <length> SHORT_BINUNICODE <length> <key bytes> <<< data >>> BININT <max memo idx> POP (max memo index of this part) NEWTRUE|POP POP (if NEWTRUE POP: entry is valid, else entry is deactivated.) """
[docs] def __init__(self, mmapdict, offset): """ :param mmapdict: mmapdict object containing the data :param offset: Offset of the key-value data """ self._mmapdict = weakref.ref(mmapdict) self._offset = offset self._exists = self._exists_initial # Cache for non-written entries self._cache = { 'valid': True, # key, data_length, memomaxidx }
[docs] def __len__(self): """:returns: the length of the key-value data""" return self._frame_length + 9
@property def offset(self): """:returns: the offset in the file of the key-value data""" return self._offset @property def end_offset(self): """:returns: the end-offset in the file of the key-value data""" return self._offset + len(self) @property def _file(self): return self._mmapdict()._file @property @save_file_position def _frame_length(self): """ :returns: the frame length for this _kvdata. This is done either by reading it in the file, or by computing it if it doesn't exist""" if not self._exists: return 2 + self.key_length + self.data_length + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, io.SEEK_SET) return struct.unpack('<Q',[0] @property @save_file_position def _exists_initial(self): """:returns: True if the file contains the header of the frame""", io.SEEK_SET) data = if len(data) < 10: return False return data[0] == pickle.FRAME[0] and data[9] == pickle.SHORT_BINUNICODE[0] @property def data_length(self): """:returns: True if the file contains the header of the frame""" if not self._exists: return self._cache['data_length'] return self._frame_length - 2 - self.key_length - 6 - 2 @property def data_offset(self): """:returns: the offset of the pickled data""" return self._offset + 9 + 2 + self.key_length @property @save_file_position def key_length(self): """:returns: the binary length of the key""" if not self._exists: return len(self._cache['key'].encode('utf8', 'surrogatepass')) + 10) return[0] @property @save_file_position def key(self): """:returns: the key as an unicode string""" if not self._exists: return self._cache['key'] key_length = self.key_length + 11, io.SEEK_SET) return'utf8') @property def _valid_offset(self): """:returns: the offset of the valid byte""" return self._offset + 9 + self._frame_length - 2 @property @save_file_position def valid(self): """:returns: True if the key-value couple is valid, False otherwise (i.e. key was deleted)""" if not self._exists: return self._cache['valid'], io.SEEK_SET) return == pickle.NEWTRUE @property def _memomaxidx_offset(self): """:returns: the offset of the max memo index""" return self._offset + 9 + self._frame_length - 7 @property @save_file_position def memomaxidx(self): """:returns: the (cached) max memo index""" if not self._exists: return self._cache['memomaxidx'], io.SEEK_SET) return struct.unpack('<i',[0] @data_length.setter def data_length(self, newvalue): if self._exists: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set data_length of an existing key-value entry") if type(newvalue) != int or newvalue < 0: raise ValueError("data_length should be a non-negative integer") self._cache['data_length'] = newvalue self._write_if_allowed() @key.setter def key(self, newvalue): if self._exists: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set key of an existing key-value entry") if type(newvalue) != str: raise TypeError("key should be a string") self._cache['key'] = newvalue self._write_if_allowed() @memomaxidx.setter def memomaxidx(self, newvalue): if self._exists: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set key of an existing key-value entry") if type(newvalue) != int or newvalue < 0: raise ValueError("memomaxidx should be a positive int") self._cache['memomaxidx'] = newvalue self._write_if_allowed() @valid.setter @require_writable @save_file_position def valid(self, newvalue): if type(newvalue) != bool: raise TypeError("valid should be a boolean") if self._exists:, io.SEEK_SET) if newvalue: self._file.write(pickle.NEWTRUE) else: self._file.write(pickle.POP) else: self._cache['valid'] = newvalue
[docs] @require_writable @save_file_position def _write_if_allowed(self): """Write to file, if it is possible to do so""" # Do not write if it already exists if self._exists: return if not all(x in self._cache for x in ('valid', 'key', 'data_length', 'memomaxidx')): # Not writable yet return, io.SEEK_SET) key = self.key.encode('utf8', 'surrogatepass') self._file.write(pickle.FRAME + struct.pack('<Q', self._frame_length) + pickle.SHORT_BINUNICODE + struct.pack('<B', len(key)) + key) # Skip data, io.SEEK_CUR) self._file.write(pickle.BININT + struct.pack('<i', self.memomaxidx) + pickle.POP) if self.valid: self._file.write(pickle.NEWTRUE + pickle.POP) else: self._file.write(pickle.POP + pickle.POP) # This entry now exists self._exists = True # Rewrite terminator self._mmapdict()._terminator.write()
[docs]class mmapdict: """class to access a mmap-able dictionnary in a file. This class is safe to use in a multi-process environment.""" _required_file_methods = ('fileno', 'seek', 'read', 'write', 'writable', 'truncate', 'tell')
[docs] def __init__(self, file, readonly=None, picklers=None): """ Create or load a mmap dictionnary. :param file: either a file-like object or a string representing the name of the file. :param readonly: if ``file`` is a string, the file will be open in readonly mode if set to True. :param picklers: explicit list of picklers. Usually this is not needed (by default, all are used) """ # Open the file if f is a string. if type(file) == str: if readonly: if os.path.exists(file): self._file = open(file, 'rb') else: raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot readonly memmap a non-existent file {!r}".format(file)) else: if os.path.exists(file): self._file = open(file, 'rb+') else: self._file = open(file, 'wb+') else: if not all(hasattr(file, x) for x in mmapdict._required_file_methods): raise TypeError('f should be a str, or have a the following methods: {}'.format(', '.join(mmapdict._required_file_methods))) self._file = file self._header = _header(self) self._terminator = _terminator(self) if picklers is None: from .picklers.base import BasePickler def all_subclasses(cls): return cls.__subclasses__() + [g for s in cls.__subclasses__() for g in all_subclasses(s)] picklers = [x(self) for x in all_subclasses(BasePickler)] else: picklers = [x(self) for x in picklers] self._picklers = list(sorted(picklers, key=lambda x: x.priority, reverse=True)) # Cache/lock infrastructure self._locked = 0 self._cache_commit_number = None self._cache_clear() # Ensure it's a valid file if not self._header.is_valid(): self._convert_file()
def __getstate__(self): # This is called before pickling. # It returns the basic state used to create another copy of this mmappickle. # The goal is to be able to pass mmapdict as argument to calls in the multiprocessing module state = self.__dict__.copy() filename = state['_file'].name filemode = state['_file'].mode filemode = filemode.replace('w', 'r') # Do not allow w+ modes (would destroy file) state['_file'] = (filename, filemode) state['_header'] = None state['_terminator'] = None state['_locked'] = 0 state['_cache_commit_number'] = None state['_cache_kv'] = None state['_cache_kv_all'] = None state['_picklers'] = [x.__class__ for x in state['_picklers']] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore the state and re-open the file state['_file'] = open(state['_file'][0], state['_file'][1]) self.__dict__.update(state) self._picklers = [x(self) for x in self._picklers] self._header = _header(self) self._terminator = _terminator(self) @property def writable(self): """True if the file is writable, False otherwise""" return self._file.writable() @property @lock def commit_number(self): """The monotonically increasing commit number of the :class:`mmapdict`. This is useful to know if the keys have been changed by another process. If the :attr:`commit_number` hasn't changed, it is guaranteed that :meth:`keys` won't be changed. Altough it is possible to set the commit number using this property, there is generally no use for this in external code.""" return self._header.commit_number @commit_number.setter @lock def commit_number(self, newvalue): self._header.commit_number = newvalue def _cache_clear(self): self._cache_kv = None self._cache_kv_all = None @property @lock @save_file_position def _kv_all(self): # Get all key-value couples in file if self._cache_kv_all is None: self._cache_kv_all = [] offset = len(self._header), io.SEEK_END) end_offset = self._file.tell() - len(self._terminator) while offset < end_offset: this_kv = _kvdata(self, offset) self._cache_kv_all.append(this_kv) offset += len(this_kv) return self._cache_kv_all @property @lock @save_file_position def _kv(self): # Get only valid key-values couples in file if self._cache_kv is None: self._cache_kv = {} for k in self._kv_all: if k.valid: self._cache_kv[k.key] = k return self._cache_kv
[docs] @lock def __contains__(self, k): """Check if a key exists in dictionnary :param k: Key (string) to check for existence :returns: ``True`` if key exists in dictionnary, ``False`` otherwise. """ return k in self._kv
[docs] @lock def keys(self): """:returns: a set-like object providing a view on D's keys""" return self._kv.keys()
[docs] @require_writable @lock @save_file_position def __setitem__(self, k, v): """Create or change key ``k``, sets its value to ``v``. :param k: key, should be an unicode string of binary length <= 255. :param v: value, any picklable object When replacing a value, this function adds the new key-value pair at the end of the file, and marks the old one as invalid, but leaves the data in place. As a consequence, this function can be used when using the file concurrently from multiple processes. However, other processes may still be using the old value if they don't reload the value from the file. If no concurrent access exists to the file, the old value can be freed using :meth:`vacuum`. """ if k in self: del self[k] found = False for pickler in self._picklers: if pickler.is_picklable(v): found = True break if not found: raise TypeError("Could not find a pickler for element of type {}".format(type(v))) offset = max([x.end_offset for x in self._kv_all] + [len(self._header)]) memomaxidx = max([x.memomaxidx for x in self._kv_all] + [1]) kv = _kvdata(self, offset) kv.key = k kv.data_length, kv.memomaxidx = pickler.write(v, kv.data_offset, memomaxidx) # Update cache self._cache_kv[kv.key] = kv self._cache_kv_all.append(kv) self.commit_number += 1
[docs] @lock def __getitem__(self, k): """Get value for key ``k``, raise ``KeyError`` if the key doesn't exists in file. If possible, the data will be returned as a mmap'ed object.""" if k not in self: raise KeyError(k) data_offset = self._kv[k].data_offset data_length = self._kv[k].data_length found = False for pickler in self._picklers: if pickler.is_valid(data_offset, data_length): found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("No picklers are valid to key {!r}".format(k)) return, data_length)[0]
[docs] @require_writable @lock @save_file_position def __delitem__(self, k): """Mark key ``k`` as not valid in the file. :param k: key to remove This method marks the key as invalid, but leaves the data in place. As a consequence, this function can be used when using the file concurrently from multiple processes. However, other processes may still be using the value if they don't reload the keys from the file. If no concurrent access exists to the file, the old value can be freed using :meth:`vacuum`. """ if k not in self: raise KeyError(k) self._kv[k].valid = False del self._kv[k] self.commit_number += 1
[docs] @require_writable @lock @save_file_position def vacuum(self, chunk_size=1048576): """ Free all deleted keys, effectively reclaiming disk space. Only use this function when no mmap exists on the file. Usually it is safer to run it only in part of the code where there is no concurrent access. :param chunk_size: The size of the buffer used to shift data in the file. .. warning:: No mmap should exist on this file (both in this python script, and in others), as the data will be shifted. If an mmap exists, it could crash the process and/or corrupt the file and/or return invalid data. """ holes = [] for kv in self._kv_all: assert isinstance(kv, _kvdata) if kv.valid: continue holes.append((kv.offset, kv.end_offset)), io.SEEK_END) file_size = self._file.tell() # Reverse to get data ranges instead of holes data_ranges = [] data_ranges = list(zip([0] + [h[1] for h in holes], [h[0] for h in holes] + [file_size])) data_ranges = [d for d in data_ranges if d[0] != d[1]] if len(data_ranges) == 1: return # Nothing to do... wptr = 0 for data_range in data_ranges: rptr = data_range[0] while rptr < data_range[1]:, io.SEEK_SET) data =[1] - rptr, chunk_size)) rptr += len(data), io.SEEK_SET) wptr += self._file.write(data), io.SEEK_SET) self._file.truncate() self._terminator.write() self._cache_clear() # Set the commit number to zero, except if it was already 0 (always change it) if self.commit_number == 0: self.commit_number = 1 else: self.commit_number = 0
@require_writable def _convert_file(self, chunk_size=1048576): warnings.warn("Converting to new format... this may require a LOT of memory...") try: data = pickle.load(self._file) except: raise ValueError("Pickle could not be loaded! (not a pickle file?)") if type(data) != dict: raise ValueError("Could not load a pickle which is not a dictionnary") end_of_pickle = self._file.tell() # Now, write a header at the end of the pickle # This has the advantage of not destroying the file if it fails due to not enough memory self._file.truncate() self._header = _header(self, _real_header_starts_at=end_of_pickle) # Write all data in the new format for k in data.keys(): self[k] = data[k] # Move data to the beginning of the file (this is where a failure may be bad ;-), io.SEEK_END) data_length = self._file.tell() - end_of_pickle wptr = 0 rptr = end_of_pickle while wptr < data_length:, io.SEEK_SET) data =, data_length - wptr)) rptr += len(data) wptr += self._file.write(data) assert wptr == data_length self._file.truncate() self._header = _header(self) self._cache_clear() self.vacuum(chunk_size) # Normally not needed, but should not harm
[docs] @require_writable def fsck(self): """Attempt to fix the file, if possible. This function should be called if some data could not be written to a file. This might be the case if, for example, not enough disk space was available. This method truncates the file and recreates a valid terminator. .. warning:: Calling this function may lead to data loss.""", io.SEEK_END) end_offset = self._file.tell(), io.SEEK_SET) frame_id = 0 valid = True while True: frame_start = self._file.tell() frame_id += 1 print("Frame (?) {} starting at {}".format(frame_id, frame_start)) data = if data[0] != pickle.FRAME[0]: print("Not on frame boundary") valid = False break frame_length = struct.unpack('<Q', data[1:9])[0] if frame_start + 9 + frame_length > end_offset: print("Incomplete frame starting at {}".format(frame_start)) valid = False break if frame_id == 1: print("[header]") + frame_length + 9, io.SEEK_SET) continue first_data = if first_data == pickle.DICT: + frame_length + 9 - 1, io.SEEK_SET) terminator = if terminator == pickle.STOP: print("[terminator]") else: valid = False print("[terminator (invalid)]"), io.SEEK_SET) break if first_data != pickle.SHORT_BINUNICODE: print("[Unknown stuff starting with {}]".format(first_data)), io.SEEK_SET) valid = False break key_length =[0] print("Frame [{}]".format('utf8'))) + frame_length + 9, io.SEEK_SET) self._file.truncate() self._terminator.write() return valid
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from .picklers import * if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("If run directly, this script requires exactly one argument, and converts it to the latest mmapdict format.") sys.exit(1) m = mmapdict(sys.argv[1])